Who is reponsible for the cool dragon artwork?
One thing about Ada websites, whenever they depict Ada Lovelace, it's always using the same old Victorian era paintings.
I thought it would be fun to re-imagine her harnessing (breaking in?) a dragon, so just for fun I checked out the internet
for female dragon riders.
I stumbled upon a monthly artist competition at The Gnomon Workshop. The theme for the July 2009 competition was
"Dragon Rider" (perfect, right?), and there I discovered the Guatemalan artist Arturo Aguirre (aka TioBolasdoro).
Here is Arturo's original, untouched submission for the contest, which unfortunately did not win:
Arturo has an internet presence, so check out his work!
Site: sketcheronline.com
Blog: artinastudio.blogspot.com (with artwork)
Deviant Art: ~Tiobolasdoro (with artwork)
Twitter: SketcherOnline
This piece called Dragon Rider is used with permission.